4 Things We Learned From the Premiere of “I Love Kellie Pickler”

The second season of I Love Kellie Pickler premiered Thursday night (Aug. 25) on CMT and there were a few things we learned about our friend Kellie Pickler.

Kellie and husband Kyle Jacobs, who have been married for five years, started their reality show in 2015, with Season 1 giving us a glimpse into their fun-loving life and marriage.

Season 2 began with one of Kyle’s favorite activities: surprising Kellie. This time it was the experience of bungee jumping. To thank Kyle for all the surprises he’s given her, Kellie invited her mother-in-law over to teach her how to make Kyle’s favorite dessert. Meanwhile, Kyle decided to play matchmaker for Kellie’s friend, Jennifer Wayne of Runaway June.

Although I thought we already knew a lot about the blonde beauty and her husband, I found out a few more things last night. Here’s a list of five things we learned about Kellie and Kyle from the premiere episode of I Love Kellie Pickler. I’m certain we’ll learn a whole lot more in future episodes.

1. Kellie Hates Ear Hair

Screen Shot 2016-08-26 at 10.02.42 AMRight off the bat, Kellie and Kyle show how comfortable and real they are in front of the camera. Not even four seconds into the show, Kellie takes it upon herself to pluck a hair out of her husband’s ear. As the show kicks off, Kellie remarks, “I’ve got to get these hairs, they’re driving me nuts,” and she proceeds to stick her fingers into Kyle’s ear to tug out the stray hairs.

Ouch,” screams Kyle. “If I have a beard growing out of my ear, I hope you’d tell me,” she warns her husband. After a quick check, he tells her she’s clean. Now that’s love.

2. Kyle Is a Matchmaker

Screen Shot 2016-08-26 at 1.42.27 PMWhen Kellie and Kyle went out for a night on the town with friends Jennifer Wayne and Caroline Hobby, the task of finding Mr. Right for Jennifer became the topic of conversation. “I can help, I can do it,” exclaimed Kyle. “I feel like I can find you a good guy.”

“What makes you so confident?” asks Kellie. “Because I’m a guy,” said Kyle. “I know guys. I can walk up to a guy and be like ‘Yep, that’s a good guy’ or I can walk up to a guy and be like ‘Nope, that’s not gonna work out.’ I’ve got a great guy-dar. It’s like radar but it’s a guy-dar—a good guy-dar.” Challenged accepted! Check out the premiere episode to see if Kyle ends up finding a good man for Jennifer Wayne.

3. Kellie Is an Adrenaline Junkie

Screen Shot 2016-08-26 at 2.46.00 PMApparently Bungee jumping was an item on Kyle and Kellie’s bucket list—one they can now cross off. Kyle surprised his wife by taking her out for an adrenaline pumping experience. “There’s a piece of dental floss— a string— between me and the pavement,” Kellie said. “Even though I am an adrenaline junkie, doesn’t mean I don’t get nervous right before I’m about to do what I’m about to do.”

That sure was a good way to get a fix for this adrenaline junkie.


4. Kellie Genuinely Likes Her Mother-in-Law

Kellie_Pickler_MotherInLaw_TV_ShowKyle’s parents moved to Nashville after living in Minnesota all of their lives. That puts them in very close vicinity to Kellie and her household. We all know that the relationship between a woman and her mother-in-law can be a volatile one. But it appears Kellie genuinely gets along with her mother-in-law, also known as Mama J. Kellie even went so far as inviting Mama J over the house to teach her how to make homemade apple pie—a favorite of Kyle’s.

“You hear people talk about their in-laws and how awful it is,” Kellie explains. “It’s really the opposite with us. We get along really well.” Well good on ya, KP.

Don’t forget to tune into I Love Kellie Pickler, Thursday nights, 10/9CT on CMT to learn much more about Kellie and her hubby Kyle.

Check out the season premiere here:

Photos courtesy CMT

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