Worthington BLOG: Coronavirus Self Quarantine Week 2


Worthington BLOG: Coronavirus Self Quarantine – Week 2

By Rick Worthington

If you did not read my Week 1 Quarantine blog, you can do so HERE. 

My family and I began our self quarantine on March 13th. Since then, my wife and girls have been outside to walk around the neighborhood a few times. We have traveled all over our backyard too, but that’s about it. They have not had contact with anyone else outside of our little “home-bubble.”

I’m still coming to work each day, and am fortunate in the sense I still don’t need to have contact with any of my co-workers while I’m on the job. The only contact I have with the people I am on the air with, Kasper and Chris, is from behind the studio glass. It’s my own little newsroom “work-bubble.”

Our world is about to grow. No more home or work-bubble. Today, my wife is scheduled to have surgery, meaning she is headed to the hospital in Boise, and I won’t be allowed to go in with her.

I’m going to be honest here. This coronavirus thing has me a little freaked out, and I’m not happy about dropping her off at the hospital. It’s partly because I don’t like leaving her, but also because I know how bad it is for her if she is exposed to the virus. With her weakened immune system, it’s a potential killer. I mean, heck, cancer is bad too, but we don’t need more to have to worry about.

Looking back over the past few days, life at home (full time) has not been too bad. We enjoy each other, and play games together, and even have a few TV shows we all like to watch together. My girls discovered Lego Masters and are big fans. We have watched every episode to date. The girls have now also joined their mother and I as crazy Survivor fans. Good times!

We still have food in the freezer, and enough toilet paper for the next week or so. I’ve scheduled a grocery delivery for tomorrow, but I already know many of those items wont make it to my house. When I am pressed to make a Costco run, I’m just hoping the hoarders are not as bad as I’ve heard. I still can’t believe people are buying up the supply of TP and turning it online at a huge profit. There is a special place in hell for those MF-ers, and I have no problem throwing down with one of them if I see it happening. (The tough guy in me says I’m still 18 – sometimes)

Actually, my real problem right now boils down to one thing. People who continue not to take the virus seriously. You know who you are.

STAY HOME – PEOPLE!  Keep your kids home! It will save lives, maybe yours!

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