Oh, Boy! Faith Hill Reveals Baby’s Gender to Couple While Onstage During Soul2Soul Tour [Watch]

Oh, Boy! Faith Hill Reveals Baby’s Gender to Couple While Onstage During Soul2Soul Tour [Watch]

If the singing gig doesn’t work out, Faith Hill can always go the route of tabloid talk-show host Maury Povich, who’s famous for his onscreen reveals.

During a Soul2Soul Tour stop in Moline, Ill., over the weekend, a couple’s sign caught Faith’s eye: “Will you please tell us boy or girl?”

After a little back-and-forth conversation with the expectant parents—Rodney and Vikki Kula—an envelope made its way to Faith onstage so she could reveal the baby’s gender.

Watch the video below, courtesy of 98.1 KHAK.


photo and video courtesy 98.1 KHAK


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